I’m the mom of a fun, smart, and VERY energetic kid who happens to have MFPI (Multiple Food Protein Intolerance) / FPIES (Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome). If you’re not familiar with MFPI, FPIES, or MSPI, you can read more about all three here.
When I first started to accept that something was off for my baby, I had a very unhelpful pediatrician that wrote my concerns off as those of a well intentioned but overly nervous parent. As our Little One’s constellations of symptoms ballooned, I did the only thing I could think of: turn to the internet for answers. When you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, finding clues or identifying symptoms is like searching for needles in a haystack. There is very little information available about MFPI or FPIES, and what is available is not always reliable and is scattered among many different websites.
This website was created with many purposes in mind, but one of my primary goals is to piece together and consolidate the many different bits of information that I have stumbled upon on my journey (and continue to find and read because our journey isn’t over). I also have lots of information to share regarding what has worked for us, from the almighty sleeplessness that comes with having an MFPI / FPIES baby (e.g. the Moby Wrap saved our sanity!), to breastfeeding challenges and successes with our MFPI baby, and just general tips that have worked for us that make life easier for parents, babies, and toddlers.
I am not a doctor or health care professional of any kind (this website is strictly for informational purposes only, and you should never do anything without consulting a healthcare professional first). I am just a mom sharing my own experiences, thoughts, and opinions. I think that being a parent is tough. Being a parent with an MFPI / FPIES baby is *super* tough. We can do this, though. Our kids are amazing and wonderful and cherished, no matter how many times they wake us up in the middle of the night needing soothing, loooooong after our friends have been sleeping through the night with their little ones.
We can do this. Let’s learn together. Let’s share our experiences and connect. Let’s survive and thrive despite these challenges.